Guiding inexperienced college graduates to prepare for relocation, both practically and emotionally

UX design, Mobile interface, Social UX

Guiding inexperienced college graduates to prepare for relocation, both practically and emotionally

UX design, Mobile interface, Social UX

Guiding inexperienced college graduates to prepare for relocation, both practically and emotionally

UX design, Mobile interface, Social UX



Every year around 490,000 college graduates in America relocate to different states after graduation. However, the complex process of moving often overwhelms inexperienced and emotionally unprepared young adults. To address this problem, I designed a digestible step-by-step relocation preparation guide that educates and supports college graduates through alumni's relatable experiences.

Every year around 490,000 college graduates in America relocate to different states after graduation. However, the complex process of moving often overwhelms inexperienced and emotionally unprepared young adults. To address this problem, I designed a digestible step-by-step relocation preparation guide that educates and supports college graduates through alumni's relatable experiences.


6 weeks

My role
End to end research and design

Figma, Photoshop, Illustrator

Dominic Poon



Around 490,000 college graduates relocate to different states after graduation.􀁌

Define- Findings

Define- Findings

Relocation contributes significantly to post-graduation stress.􀁌



Around 490,000 college graduates relocate to different states after graduation.􀁌

Define- Findings

Define- Findings

Relocation contributes significantly to post-graduation stress.􀁌

Problem statement

Problem statement

How can we help college graduates prepare practically and emotionally for relocation?

How can we help college graduates prepare practically and emotionally for relocation?



Discovering unique needs and pain point of college graduates

Four qualitative user interviews
Affinity diagram to discover recurring characteristics
Secondary research to discover quantitive information

Discovering unique needs and pain point of college graduates

Four qualitative user interviews
Affinity diagram to discover recurring characteristics
Secondary research to discover quantitive information

Key insights

Key insights

  1. Lack of moving experience and knowledge causes overwhelm and hinders the planning process.

  2. Word of mouth is the most used and trusted resource.

  3. Word of mouth is the most used and trusted resource.

  4. They carry their college community to relocated area.

  1. Lack of moving experience and knowledge causes overwhelm and hinders the planning process.

  2. Word of mouth is the most used and trusted resource.

  3. Word of mouth is the most used and trusted resource.

  4. They carry their college community to relocated area.





Educating & ensuring with relatable alumni’s success stories and guiding with a digestible step-by-step preparation

Educating & ensuring with relatable alumni’s success stories and guiding with a digestible step-by-step preparation



Match with alumni with similar relocation experience

Getting Started

Getting Started

Learn about the overall process of relocating by hearing matched alum’s experience and three key information – what they did, how much they spent, and tips they wish they knew

Customized guide

Customized guide

Follow a personal step- by-step preparation guided by alum’s stories.

Relatable & niche information,
every step of preparation

Relatable & niche information,
every step of preparation

Make the best choice for each step by comparing your alumni's choices.

ⓒ 2023 Junhyung Cho